Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pennine Way 9 Malham to Horton-in-Ribblesdale

We started off in fine weather but with a poor forecast threatening to spoil the day. A steep climb up the steps at the left of the cove took us up on to the clints and grykes of the limestone pavement and it took quite some time for us all to make our cautious way across them. Thankfully the clints were dry and we all made it safely across without mishap.

Between Malham Cove and Malham Tarn there is a narrow enclosed dry valley known as Watlowes where the green turf is interspersed with outcrops of limestone, quite different from anything we had seen so far on our journey.

On past the tarn and the field study centre we soon emerged into open countryside again and Stuart announced an early lunch stop in the shelter of a wall as there was a cold wind blowing.
After lunch we made steady progress as the path took us gradually upwards to Fountains Fell . We had a second shorter stop just before we reached our highest point and this was very well timed as the weather turned showery as we left and dark clouds were amassing behind us.

As we descended the other side we got our first view of Pen-y-Ghent in the distance looking very formidable with clouds drifting across the summit now and then. It took us quite a long time to reach the beginning of the steep ascent and by this time the wind was strong and the rain was threatening to become more persistent so only six hardy souls decided to climb up to the summit. The rest of us, me included, were tempted by the thought of mugs of hot tea and toasted teacakes in the Pen-y-Ghent cafe and took the downhill option via Bracken-Bottom! Well we'd been up there many times before hadn't we and didn't feel the need to do it again in the rain.

Thanks to Jean Moxon for the photos of Pen-y-Ghent and the summit group. The rain did set in before they finished and the descent was a bit slippy so they didn't get time for any refreshment before we left. The 'A' party had finished quite early and spent some time in the pub where they picked up some extra passengers to drop off in Skipton, all good for the bank balance!

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